5. Barcode management for products

Stockpit allows you to set up barcodes to add your products to your documents. This way, you can use a barcode scanner instead of searching for them via their SKU. It will help to reduce errors while preparing your documents.

This article explains how to set them up and how to use them.

Before using the barcode function, you will need to assign them to your products.

Add a barcode to a product

Click on the "Edit" button of the product:

Click on the Barcode field and scan the barcode with your scanner, then save your product.

Note: Stockpit does not generate barcodes but you can use the existing barcodes already on your products or create new ones using an online barcode generator like Tec-it.

Add a barcode to a product with variants

If you are using variants, you will need to assign the barcode to the variants. 

Open the product and click on the "Edit" button of the variant you want:

Click on the Barcode field and scan the barcode with your scanner, then save your variant.

Note: If you have too many products, we recommend exporting the list of your products and updating the Barcode fields on the .csv or .xlxs file before reimporting the updated list.

How to add products to your documents using a barcode scanner

Once you have assigned barcodes to your products or variants, you can add them to your document.

For example, in a purchase order:

Step 1: While you are selecting products, click on the "Scan" button:Step 2: In the new window, start scanning your products' barcodes

Note: If you click on the box on the left side of your screen, you can scan the barcode multiple times, and the quantity will increase instead of creating a new line.

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