Before creating a purchase receipt, you need to create a purchase order. After creating the purchase order and once the products are received, open the corresponding purchase and click on 'Create a Purchase Receipt':
If the products are not all received at the same time, you can remove products by unchecking the corresponding box or decrease the received quantities:
When the remaining products are received, simply go back to the purchase and click on 'Create a Purchase Receipt,' and you will automatically see the remaining products. You can create as many purchase receipts as needed.
Updating Stock
Your purchase updates the 'Incoming Stock,' whereas the purchase receipt updates the on hand stock and available stock. These will be updated as soon as the purchase receipt is received, by clicking the 'Receive' button:
Shipping Order Status
Once the purchase receipt is created, you can receive the products by clicking 'Receive.' If all the purchase receipts for a purchase are received, the status of the purchase will automatically change to 'Received'.