2. Assemblies and Kits

Stockpit allows you to combine multiple products or components into assemblies or kits.

Assemblies - These are bundles with their own stock. Components must only be transformed within Stockpit to obtain a certain quantity of assembly. This involves allocating component stock to the assembly's stock. Transforming an assembly will decrease the component stock and increase the assembly stock. When you sell an assembly, you are selling the assembly's stock and not the stock of the components.

Kits - These are bundled products, and their stock is automatically calculated based on the stock of each component. No transformation is required. When you sell a kit, it's the stock of the components that gets updated.

Where to begin?

Whether it's a kit or an assembly, it is necessary to create a corresponding product for each assembly, kit, and component. Product creation is done in your management/invoicing software. Once these products are within Stockpit you need to edit the products to configure if they are Assembllies or Kits.


The stock of the assembly is the result of a manual transformation of the components. Based on the available component stocks, create the desired quantities of the assembly.


- Assemblies are compatible with the use of purchase orders, stock entries, stock removals, and stock movements."

- Assemblies can be used as components in other kits or assemblies.

Creating an Assembly

To create an assembly, start by editing a product (previously created in your management/invoicing software). Go to 'Products' menu > 'Products' - Open the product and click 'Edit':

Or directly from the list of products:

1. Select "Assembly" in the product type:

2. Add your components and their quantities, and save. For example, an assembly called 'Table' is composed of 1 'Tabletop' and 4 'Table Leg' components.

3. Transforming an Assembly

This step consist in transferring the stocks from the components to those of your new assembly. In the example above, you would need 1 Tabletop and 4 Table Legs to create 1 Table. When the stock of the Table product increases by 1, the stock of Table Legs decreases by 4, and the stock of Tabletop decreases by 1.

Go to 'Products' menu > 'Transform Assemblies,' select the product assembly you want to transform, and the stock location where you want to perform the transformation. Click 'Start,' then choose the quantities to transform:

In this example, 2 'Tables' are created. 8 Table Legs and 2 Tabletops will be deducted from the stock in the selected stock location.

Stockpit automatically suggests the number of assemblies you can create based on the available component stock in the selected location. You can create more assemblies than the quantity in stock, but your component stock will then go into the negative, ready to be restocked.

4. Splitting an Assembly
If you want to reverse the assembly transformation process, click 'Split.' This will reduce the stock of the 'Table' product and increase the stock of the components in the selected stock location.


The stock of a kit is determined by the sum of the stock of its components. No transformation is required to update the stock of a kit. The quantities of kits are automatically updated based on the stock of the assigned components.


- Kits cannot be used as components in other kits or assemblies."

Creating a Kit

To create a kit, start by editing a product (previously created in your management/invoicing software). Go to 'Products' Menu > 'Products' - Open the product and click 'Edit':

Or directly from the list of products:

1. Select 'Kit' in the product type:

2. Add your components and their quantities:

For example, the 'Outdoor 2023' kit is composed of 1 GPS and 2 Sprays. If there are 10 GPS and 10 Sprays in stock, the stock of this kit will be 5 (as it requires 2 Sprays for each kit).

Inventory Level of Kits

Once the kit is created, you can check its stock on the 'Inventory Level' page. The quantities will be calculated based on the component stock.

Additional Information Regarding Assemblies and Kits

- Assemblies and kits are only included in the Boost plan.

- It is not possible to change a kit into an assembly and vice versa.

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