6. PDF Settings

From the Settings menu, you can configure the PDF settings of your documents. To do this, go to “Settings” > “PDF Settings”.

General settings

General PDF settings are common to all document types.

The following options are available:

1. Paper size

Choose the paper size for your PDF documents. Options include: A4 and Letter

2. PDF language

Specify the language to use in generated PDF documents. Options include: English, French or current user language.

3. Additional Company Information

Enter additional information about your business to include in the PDF file, it will appear next to your company address. This is a text field in which you can provide relevant information about your company, SIRET number, tax number for example.

4. Footer

Customize the footer of your PDF documents using this text field.

Specific settings per document type

Under "Document settings", choose specific display options for each document type. Select a document, then turn display options on or off.

From this page, you can also choose to change the title of your documents. This option is available in English and French.

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