2. Step by step setup

Here are the main steps to follow to quickly set up Stockpit:

1. Connect to your invoicing/sales/accounting software. To do so, please refer to the page dedicated to your software.

2. Import/ Synchronize your products

For Stockpit to update the stock of your products, you need to import them into Stockpit first. To do this, please refer to the article called 'Product Synchronization' on the page dedicated to your software.

3. Products without inventory tracking

After importing your products, it may be necessary to designate certain imported products as products without inventory tracking. These could be items for which inventory tracking is not needed. To do this, go to the 'Products' menu and click on the 'Edit' button:

Simply uncheck the 'Track inventory' option:

You can also deactivate the product directly in the product list ('Products' menu). This will only deactivate the product in Stockpit:

4. Update the inventory and initial cost of your products

When you import your products into Stockpit, their inventory will be at zero. Therefore, you need to update the initial inventory and cost of your products. You have several options for updating the initial inventory and cost of your products:

- Inventory Update

- Update via CSV / XLSX file

Please refer to the Inventory Update page for detailed instructions.

IMPORTANT: Be sure to update the cost of products before using Stockpit. This will ensure accurate valuation.

5. Choose your synchronization preferences.

In the 'Settings' menu, you can select your synchronization preferences with your invoicing software ('Settings' > Your Software Name).

All settings are described in the 'Integration' section of our Help Center and on the 'Integration' Settings page. These settings are crucial as they determine how the applications will communicate and how stock updates will occur.

6. Settings

In the 'Settings' menu, you can configure your company information, currencies, stock locations, and add users. It is also in this menu that you will find integration settings related to your invoicing software. For detailed instructions on Stockpit settings, you can refer to this page.

You are now ready to use Stockpit!

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