2. Currencies

Multiple currencies can be used in Stockpit.

To create and manage your currencies, go to the "Settings" menu > "Currencies":

You will then see the list of your currencies:

To modify a currency, click on the following button:

To deactivate a currency, click on the following button:

To create a currency, click on "Create":

Select the currency and its exchange rate:

Tip: You can search on Google for "EUR/USD" to get the current exchange rate.

The provided exchange rates will be used as default values on purchase documents made in a currency different from the default currency of your account.


If you change the currency of a purchase, you will then see a new "Exchange Rate" field appear in the form:

The exchange rate can be modified if necessary. Once the document is created, this exchange rate will be saved and associated with the document.

The exchange rate will also determine the product's price if it was initially entered in a different currency.

Tip: Make sure to select the currency and exchange rate before adding products to the document. Otherwise, the price will not be calculated in the chosen currency.

Costs and Purchases

For purchases, the exchange rate set at the document's creation will be the rate used to calculate the valuation method. Additional details on different valuation methods can be found in this article.

Tip: When creating a purchase order, default currency will be displayed. If you have assigned a different currency for a supplier, this currency will be automatically displayed after selecting the supplier.

Special Case When Using 3 currencies

The calculations for reports and valuations will be done using the account's default currency. In the unique scenario where you conduct sales in currency X, make purchases in currency Y, and neither X nor Y is your account's default currency (currency Z), a currency conversion will be carried out.

For example, your default currency is EUR, and you sell in USD, while purchasing your products in CAD.

There is no direct conversion from USD to CAD; it goes back to the account's currency, which is USD, and then from USD to EUR, and finally from EUR to CAD.

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