2. Integration settings - Stockpit for QuickBooks Online

This page will guide you through the settings of the integration between Stockpit and QuickBooks Online. Please make sure to read the "How does Stockpit for QuickBooks Online work?" page to understand how the integration works.

To access the settings, go to the menu Settings > QuickBooks:

Contacts and products

From this page, you can import your products and suppliers from your QuickBooks Online account to Stockpit:

Click on the "Import suppliers from QuickBooks" button to import your suppliers from your QuickBooks Online account to Stockpit. This is typically done during the initial setup. If you enable the option "Automatically import into Stockpit new suppliers created in QuickBooks", each time you create a new supplier in QuickBooks, it will sync to Stockpit.

Suppliers can only be created in QuickBooks.

Click on the "Import product from QuickBooks" button to import your products from your QuickBooks Online account to Stockpit. This is typically done during the initial setup. If you enable the option "Automatically import into Stockpit new products created in QuickBooks", each time you create a new product in QuickBooks, it will sync to Stockpit.

Products can only be created in QuickBooks.


In this menu, you can choose which transactions trigger the creation of an order in Stockpit. The order is what will update your inventory in Stockpit.

If you choose to create an order from estimate and invoices, Stockpit will not create the order from the invoice if that invoice was created from the estimate. Otherwise, it would duplicate the order.


Inventory update

In this section, you can select how your inventory will be updated when you create an invoice (or estimate) in QuickBooks.

If you enable "Update on hand inventory when invoice is created in QuickBooks", the order created by QuickBooks in Stockpit will update both, your on-hand and available inventory at the same time. If you disable this option, the order created by QuickBooks in Stockpit will only update your available inventory. The on-hand inventory will be updated when you create a shipping order. In the meantime, your products will be reserved. Please visit the section "Sales" in our page "How does Stockpit for QuickBooks Online work?". It will provide more details on the inventory update from orders.

You can also trigger an inventory re-sync from QuickBooks to Stockpit or from Stockpit to QuickBooks by clicking on the corresponding buttons.

You can watch a tutorial video on the on-hand, reserved and available inventory with shipping orders on this page.


Stockpit can help you manage and track your inventory across multiple stock locations (Warehouse, Office, Truck,...). If you are using locations in QuickBooks, you have the ability to map these locations with your stock locations in Stockpit.

When you assign a location to an invoice in QuickBooks, it will update your inventory in the corresponding Stockpit stock location. If no location is assigned, Stockpit will update the inventory in the default location.

You can create stock locations in Stockpit from the menu Settings > Locations or you can create them from existing locations in your QuickBooks Online:

You can watch a tutorial video on how to use and set up your stock locations between Stockpit and QuickBooks on this page.


From here, you can disconnect your Stockpit account and QuickBooks, the sync between the two apps will be stopped. This won't affect any information in your Stockpit account. You can reconnect Stockpit and QuickBooks at any time.

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