Stockpit 1.6

Version 1.6 of Stockpit comes with a number of new features and improvements aimed at helping users manage their inventory with more clarity and security. New features notably include a new notifications system and the introduction of the two-factor authentification. We'll take a closer look at the new features included in this update.

Internal and external notifications

It is now possible to receive more advanced notifications in Stockpit. You can for instance get notifications keeping you up to date with the software updates, new features or important news for you and your business. The account admin now can also send internal notifications to the other users in the company. He can for example let the other members of the team know about a specific document or an incoming deadline.

Two-factor authentication (2FA)

In order to provide more security and more options to our users, Stockpit now offers users the possibility to enable two-factor authentication on their accounts. This can be done directly via the profile settings on your account. Activating 2FA adds an extra step to the login process to add another layer of security around your account and your data. You'll find more information about 2FA in the article dedicated to that feature.

Company change on a single account

Stockpit now allows users to switch between companies from the same account. There is no need to create an additional account for every company if you have a Stockpit user that has access to more than one company. Now, the user only has to switch from one company to the other when needed, without having to create another account or use another email address.

Here are the main new features from version 1.6 of Stockpit. New updates will roll out in the coming weeks and months, adding more features to both Erplain and Stockpit in order to help you gain further control over your inventory management. Please visit our help center for more information.

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