3. The Dashboard

The Dashboard (homepage) is the first thing that appears when logging in to Stockpit. The dashboard uses widgets to quickly provide information to the users of Stockpit.

The choice of widgets displayed is personalized by account. A user can select which widgets to use on the Dashboard by clicking on the “Widgets” button in the top right-hand corner of the Dashboard. 


The Widgets and what they represent :

Stock levelsThe state of your current inventory (contains a search field for product names) 
Orders to ship List of all orders that have yet to be shipped (based on the scheduled delivery date)
Valuation evolution A graph of the valuation of your inventory over time (month by month) 
Products to reorder Product to reorder based on the reorder point being equal or higher than the stock levels  
Best shipped products *Lists of your most shipped products  
Orders available for shippingLists of all orders that have yet to be shipped whose current stock levels would permit fulfilling the shipment of the orders.  
Recent Orders Recent orders in Stockpit received from the integrated invoicing software.
Recent Shipping orders The latest shipping orders created within Stockpit 
Incoming purchasesList of purchases that remain “active” (currently do not have complete purchase receipts).  
Recent purchase receipts * Most recent purchase receipts created in Stockpit (regardless of current status) 
Shipping evolution A graph of the number of orders shipped per/by month 
Shipping status distribution  A pie chart representing the various statuses of a delivery 

The widgets marked with * can be filtered by : 

  • Last month
  • Last week
  • Last 30 days 
  • This month
  • This week
  • This year
  • Today 

By default, the first five widgets are enabled.
All widgets can be displayed (with drag and drop) on the dashboard, they can also be enlarged or reduced with the arrow in the lower right-hand corner of the widget.
To remove any widgets from the dashboard, simply click on the “X” in the top right-hand corner of the widget

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